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TDM Pulse Amplitude Modulation/Demodulation

Scientech 2152

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TDM-PAM Transmitter and Receiver Scientech 2152 is a communication system where the message signal is
modulated using Pulse Amplitude Modulation and multiple access is provided using Time Division Multiplexing.
The message information is encoded in the amplitude of a series of signal pulses and transmitted using Time
Division Multiplexing (i.e. in different time slots).

The Trainer demonstrates following modes of operation between transmitter and receiver
Mode 1: 3 signals communication (Clock /Sync/ Modulated Signals)
Mode 2: 2 signals communication (Sync/Modulated signals); Clock is recovered at receiver.
Mode 3: 1 signal communication (Modulated signal); Clock and Sync are recovered at receiver


• Crystal controlled clock
• On-board synchronized analog Signal Generator (DC and Sine wave)
• Demonstrates sampling and reconstructed as per Nyquist criterion
• Four switch selectable sampling frequencies
• Sampling pulse duty-cycle selectable
• On-board Pulse Generator
• Four analog input channels to demonstrate TDM-PAM
• Generation of clock at receiver by PLL
• Fourth order Butterworth Low Pass Filter

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