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OP-AMP Characteristics

Scientech 2322

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Scientech 2322 enables students to study the basic functions and characteristics of operational amplifiers. The
opamps are use in mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, integration, differentiation and so
on. However, an ideal operational amplifier is an extremely versatile circuit element, with many applications
beyond mathematical operations and to understand and perform those application, it is necessary to have
better understanding of its basic operation. Scientech 2322 has been divided into different blocks for the ease of user to understand the various operations of operational amplifier. A Function Generator, generating Sine wave, Square wave and triangular wave, and two variable DC Supplies are provided on board.


• Self contained easy to operate 2322
• On board Function Generator
• Functional blocks indicated on board mimic

• Built in DC Power Supplies
• Online Product Tutorial
• Compact size

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