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Biomedical Solutions

Scientech’s modern instrumentation and training equipments making engineering and medical students to get familiar with operating test equipment and helping to enhance teaching across globe. Scientech’s Bio-medical Techbooks are habitually used in Medical Colleges, Bio-Medical Engineering Colleges, Paramedical colleges, Training Institutes, Staff hands on, etc…

Scientech offers practical-based medical training equipment for engineering & medical courses. Scientech TechBooks are one of the instance which are compact and user friendly learning platforms to provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn Technology. Each TechBook is furnished with comprehensive Multimedia learning material which comprises fundamental theory, step by step procedure to accomplish the experiment and other valuable information.

More About Biomedical Solutions

Scientech’s comprehensive range reflects the most recent and innovative teaching technology in the market. Creation like Heart-rate monitor cum ECG Scientech Techbook 2351 gives in-depth study of Electrocardiogram, ECG standard leads configuration, and the measurement of heart-rate i.e. number of ECG pulses (heartbeats) per minute. Scientech Techbook 2351 enables the Electrocardiogram observation by affixing Biomedical Electrodes to the human body in standard bipolar leads configuration. The Heart-rate monitor receives each ECG observation (heartbeat) i.e. detects the electrical action executed by the heart of a subject (human body) and displays the heart-rate as number of heartbeats per minute.

Similarly, Scientech TechBook 2370 Understanding of Spirometry shows different parameters like Tidal Volume (TV), Total Lung Capacity (TLC), Minute Volume (MV), Alveolar Volume (AV) and Residual Volume (RV) on display screen. The graph of flow rate Vs volume and volume Vs time can also be seen on the display screen. A Spirometer is used to conduct a set of medical tests that are designed to identify and quantify defects and abnormalities of various lung conditions in human respiratory system. These tests also help in monitoring the response of lungs to medical treatment.

Scientech world class product covers a wide range of Techbooks of medical training instruments in the field of Cardiology, Imaging, Critical Care Instruments, Monitoring and Gynecology. Thousands of students gone through these Techbook’s to be converted into a victorious Doctor, Surgeon, Engineers and Technicians.

Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a renowned provider of medical equipments. Our world class products provide user a high degree of quality & reliability. Scientech offers comprehensive range of medical instruments and technical support. Leveraging the heritage and domain expertise of Scientech, the products encompass a broad technology spectrum and high customer satisfaction across the globe. Our policy is not just offering customers with products but also providing them with

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