This powerful high speed USB oscilloscope combines fast sampling up to 500 MSa/s with high resolutions of 12, 14 and 16 bit, a large memory of 64 Mpts and an extremely accurate built-in 40 MHz 14 bit Constant Data Size (CDS) arbitrary waveform generator with 24 V peak to peak output, generating true form signals. The oscilloscope supports continuous streaming measurements up to 20 MSa/s and can be synchronized with other oscilloscopes using the CMI interface to form a multi channel combined instrument with synchronized time base. The CMI interface is available by default on the Handyscope HS5. Optionally, the Handyscope HS5 can be delivered with SureConnect connection test and resistance measurement on each channel.
Do you want to use the Handyscope HS5 (remotely) via a network connection? Transform the Handyscope HS5 to a network oscilloscope using an Instrument Sharing Server with TPISS installed.
The flexibility and quality that the Handyscope HS5 offers is unparalleled by any other oscilloscope and function generator in its class.
94, Electronic Complex, Pardesipura, Indore-452010, Madhya Pradesh, India.
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