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USB oscilloscope

Handyscope HS3

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The Handyscope HS3 is a powerful 100 MSa/s USB oscilloscope that can also be used as a multimeter, spectrum
analyzer, data logger or protocol analyzer. This USB oscilloscope also contains a function / arbitrary waveform
generator that is able to produce every signal that is needed. Together with the 2 measurement channels this
oscilloscope is an excellent measurement tool to troubleshoot circuits

Hardware features

Continuous streaming

Besides measuring in block mode, the Handyscope HS3 is also capable of performing continuous streaming
measurements. This will create a continuous uninterrupted data stream to the computer. The data can then be
displayed on the screen and/or saved to disk

Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Combining multiple Handyscope HS3s


Software features

Versatile multi channel oscilloscope software
The Handyscope HS3 is delivered with the versatile multi channel oscilloscope software, which transforms the
Handyscope HS3 into an oscilloscope, spectrum analyzer, data logger, multimeter and protocol analyzer.
Some of the powerful features of the multi channel oscilloscope software are indicated below, for a full description of
the multi channel oscilloscope software, refer to the multi channel oscilloscope software pages

Flexible signal displays

Comprehensive Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Touchscreen friendly toolbars



Package Contents

Item Description
Instrument Handyscope HS3
Probe 2x Oscilloscope Probe 1:1-1:10 – HP-3060
Accessories External power cable for USB port
Software For Windows 10, via website
Drivers For Windows 10, via website
Software Development Kit For Windows 10 and Linux, via website
Manuals Instrument manual and software user’s manuals, color printed and digital, via website

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