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Pulse Code Modulation Generation & Demodulation using CODEC Chip

Scientech 2123

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Scientech 2123 PCM Generation & Demodulation using CODEC Chip is a stereo codec based PCM Generator and Demodulator training system. The system has on-board selectable clock source and analog signal source. The analog signal source generates sinusoidal signal. Various test points and connection sockets are provided for easy understanding of an audio CODEC. It also shows the effect of various sampling rates on coding of speech signal.

Coding seeks to minimize the number of bits in the digital representation of a signal without an objectionable loss of signal quality. High quality is attained at low bit rates by exploiting signal redundancy and certain types of coding distortion are imperceptible because they are masked by the signal.


• On-board clock generation
• On-board signal generation
• Audio interface for PCM coding and decoding
• Low voltage requirement for operation
• Variable sampling rate as per system clock used

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