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Understanding Laptop Computer System

Scientech 2652L

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Scientech 2652L Laptop Computer Training System is a versatile product to provide training on hardware and
software of a Laptop Computer. This is based on Intel® Core™ i3 with integrated Intel HD Graphics with
experiments on Windows operating system.
Laptop Computer Training System is a innovative training system designed to learn the working and
troubleshooting of laptop. The product is designed in such a way that students can understand each segment of
the laptop. This laptop computer training system provides in-depth introduction of laptop repairing techniques in both theoretical and practical aspects.


• Different sections of laptop are printed on board.
• Learn installation, troubleshooting and fault finding in a laptop.
• Fault creation by switches.
• 25 faults are give for troubleshooting practice.
• Easy measurement of typical voltages and observation of waveforms.
• Identification of different parts of Laptop Computer.
• Study of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ethernet & USB communication.
• Exhaustive instructional product tutorial.

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