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Mode Characteristics in Fiber Optics


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Scientech 2515 Mode Characteristics in Fiber Optics experimental setup has been designed to study the mode characteristics of different fiber optic cables. The two basic types of fiber, Single Mode and Multi Mode can be characterized by measuring Numerical Aperture and the Normalized Frequency (V number) parameter, which guides modes that are allowed to propagate in a particular waveguide structure.

When V<2.405, only single mode propagates in the waveguide and when V>2.405, the other modes propagate in the waveguide. Using this experimental, the student can easily differentiate between Single Mode and Multi Mode optical fiber cables.

Scientech 2515, Mode Characteristics in Fiber Optics is an ideal teaching aid?to enhance education, training, skills & development amongs our young minds.


  • Complete set up for Numerical Aperture measurement and V number verification for Single Mode and Multi Mode fiber cables
  • Complete set up for observation of intensity patterns of modes in Single Mode and Multi Mode fiber cables
  • He-Ne LASER Source (650nm; 2mW) with mounting stand and fiber coupler
  • Single Mode & Multi Mode fibers with SMA connectors at each end
  • Numerical Aperture measurement / Mode observation screen with holding assembly
  • Optics bench with fiber coupling assembly and customized mechanical fixtures

Scope of Learning

  • Measurement of Numerical Aperture and verification of V number of a fiber test cable (Single Mode and Multi Mode)
  • Coupling light into a test fiber cable (Single Mode and Multi Mode) and observing the intensity patterns of modes

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