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Universal PLC Platform (FATEK) with HMI

Scientech 2400GNH

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Today, manufacturing processes have become a lot more efficient due to the Internet of Things (IoT), intelligent automation, advanced robotics, and other smart factory initiatives. Despite rapid changes in technology, programmable logic controller (PLC) and the human-machine interface (HMI) continue to play a vital role in the manufacturing and act as central processors for all real-time decisions.

PLC and HMI have adapted well in modern Industry 4.0 manufacturing, automation systems and their programming will continue to play an integral role in the manufacturing processes. Further, the integrated HMIPLC is enabling lean automation-boosting efficiencies and reducing waste, both in terms of equipment and time.

Looking at career opportunities offered by Industry 4.0, Scientech has designed a Universal PLC platform with HMI and FATEK PLC. Scientech 2400GNH is an ideal setup to study the working of PLC and HMI used for industrial applications. It has been designed to learn and practice:

  • Wiring of PLC with different inputs and outputs.
  • Push to ON switch, toggle switch, proximity sensor, selector switch as an input to PLC.
  • Realistic simulation that can drive visual indicators, audio indicators, and DC motor, relay and contactor.
  • Communication of PLC with HMI for monitoring and controlling


  • 7” Human Machine Interface (HMI) display.
  • FATEK PLC with 12 digital inputs, 8 digital outputs, 4 analog inputs and 2 analog outputs.
  • Open platform to explore wide PLC and HMI applications.
  • Industrial look & feel.
  • Toggle switches, push to ON switch, proximity sensor, selector switch, visual indicator, audio indicator, DC motor, relay card, contactor and voltage display.
  • Din rail mounting for PLC.
  • Several sample ladder and HMI programs.
  • High execution speed.
  • PC based ladder and HMI programming.
  • Extremely easy and student friendly software to develop different programs.
  • Easy downloading of programs.
  • Practice troubleshooting skills.
  • Compact tabletop ergonomic design.
  • Robust construction.

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