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Understanding of 3G Communication System


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Scientech TechBooks are compact and user friendly learning platforms that provide a modern, portable, comprehensive and practical way to learn technology. Each TechBook is provided with detailed multimedia learning material which covers basic theory, step by step procedure to conduct the experiment and other useful Introduction.
Scientech TechBook 2138A, Understanding 3G Communication System is an unique product that allows users to design and develop a 3G mobile phone which uses an Android operating system. It’s specially designed GUI helps users to run various AT commands related to 3G GSM network, voice calling, SMS, TCP/IP, HTTP, GPS and many more. One can study different signals used in SD card, SIM card, Mic, and vibrator operation.


  • Android based design
  • Android Operating System porting
  • Design your own mobile
  • Control via AT Commands
  • Study GPS NEMA Protocol
  • GSM and GPS Antenna
  • USB 2.0 support
  • SIM card interface
  • Audio interface SD card interface
  • Android GPIO interface
  • SMS application
  • MP3 player
  • Office Suite (pdf, word, PPT and xls)
  • Electronics circuit simulation software
  • USB and Ethernet ports
  • Android application development and examples
  • Online Product Tutorial

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