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Transportation and Logistics

Scientech 014

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Automate compliance and logistics to reduce Cold Chain costs and gain efficiencies with touchless solutions


Create shipments in InTempConnect and let the CX5000 Gateway and cloud take care of the rest!

Easy, accurate location Introduction

Generate origin/destination locations with address-checks powered by Google Maps.

Automatic programming for greater efficiency

Program and start logger at origin/shipping location. Download data and stop/restart/continue the logger at destination.

Reports that keep you in-the-know

Receive automatic data/alarm reports after shipment is complete.


InTemp App

Monitor a shipment in real time using the InTemp mobile app via Bluetooth!

Real-time data

Check temperature and relative humidity readings of shipments, even unopened, when within 100 feet of InTemp loggers.

Logger naming to track multiple shipments

Designate unique logger names to quickly identify which loggers belong to which shipment.

In-transit data downloads that keep you informed

Using the CX5000 Gateway or the InTemp mobile app, download data at waypoints and when critical alarms occur.

Data sharing for those who need to know

Let last-mile customers and patients view data at delivery?s end and be assured that your product is safe and ready to use.

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