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High Speed Multifunction PC Instrument


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TINALab II includes a DC to 50MHz bandwidth, 10/12 bit resolution, dual-channel Digital Storage Oscilloscope. Due to its advanced equivalent-time sampling technology,
TINALab can acquire any repetitive signal with up to 4GS/s equivalent sampling rate, while in single shot mode the sampling rate is 20 MS/s. The full scale input range is ?400V, with 5mV to 100V/div ranges.

The synthesized Function Generator provides sine, square, ramp, triangle and arbitrary waveforms from DC to 4MHz, with logarithmic and linear sweep, and modulation up to 10V peak to peak. Arbitrary waveforms can be programmed via the high level, easy to use language of TINA’s Interpreter


  • Digital I/O for the high-tech Digital Signal Generator and Logic Analyzer instruments allow fast 16-channel digital testing up to 40MHz.The optional Multimeter for TINALab II allows DC/AC measurements in ranges from 1mV to 400V and 100 ?A to 2A. It can also measure DC resistance in ranges from 1W?to 10MW.
  • Using TINALab II with TINA gives you the unique capability to have circuit simulation and real time measurements in the same integrated environment. This provides an invaluable tool for troubleshooting and brings your designs to life by comparing simulated and measured results.
  • You can also plug Experimenter Modules into the slot on the front of TINALab II, allowing you to simulate, measure, and troubleshoot virtually the whole range of analog and digital electronics.




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