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Single Phase Converter Firing Techniques

Scientech 2710

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Scientech 2710 is a learning platform which helps Students to understand the concept of TCA785 firing scheme and Triangular comparator firing scheme for performing the single phase controlled rectifiers. 2710 is also useful for Students to understand the firing angle control in various rectifier configurations like half wave, full wave, bridge, symmetrical & asymmetrical configurations. This platform is provided with built in AC & DC Power Supplies, sockets for making different interconnections in circuit and exhaustive an learning material.


  • Built in power supply.
  • Easy to operate and understand.
  • Two firing circuits on single board.
  • Gradual firing angle control upto 180 degree.
  • Test points to observe output of different blocks.
  • On board AC sources of 15 V and 18 V.
  • More than six experiments can be performed on single board.

Scope of Learning

  • Study of TCA 785 IC firing circuits.
  • Study of triangular comparator firing circuit
  • Study of half wave controlled rectifier
  • Study of full wave controlled mid point rectifier
  • Study of fully controlled bridge rectifier
  • Study of common anode configuration of rectifier
  • Study of common cathode configuration of rectifier
  • Study of asymmetrical configuration of rectifier

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