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MicroRX Station


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Easy to Deploy, Affordable Web-based Monitoring

The new web-enabled HOBO MicroRX station is an easy-to-deploy, low-cost cellular field monitoring solution. With a compact size and rugged design, the MicroRX Station offers long-term, reliable environmental monitoring. Configurable station-side alarms provide immediate notification of critical conditions, and Onset?s cloud-based HOBOlink platform makes it easy to view, access, and share your data.

  • Optional integrated solar panel for easy deployment
  • Battery-powered option for covered or shaded deployment locations
  • Wide range of research-grade plug-and-play sensors
  • Optional water level sensor input, and water flow conversion
  • Station-side alarms include new accumulated rainfall alarm
  • Real-time monitoring with up to 10-minute connection rates via 4G cellular


  • Communicates to HOBO MX data loggers using Bluetooth (LE) technology
  • No internet connection required
  • Set data logger?s name, password, logging rate, alarm threshold, start and stop time
  • Automatically upload data to Onset?s cloud-based HOBOlink software to store and merge data files
  • Configure and clear audible alarms
  • Page the data logger
  • Quickly download and view data
  • Export and share data as CSV, TXT, XLSX, or HOBO files

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