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KNX Controlled Home Automation Training System

Scientech 6204KNX

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Scientech 6204KNX KNX Controlled Home Automation Training System is a resource designed to provide
education and training on the KNX protocol, which is a worldwide standard for home and building automation.
KNX training platforms offer materials that teach individuals about the KNX system, its components, installation, programming, and integration.


• This System included different KNX component e.g. Power Supply module, USB module, line coupler module, push button with multifunction module 4 fold, push button with multifunction module 2 fold, output actuator module, 4 fold with current detection, dimming actuator module 2 fold, shutter actuator module, 4 fold and different types of load like lamp load, curtain.
• ETS software is provided for configuration and programming of different KNX devices.
• User friendly, self explanatory system.
• Practice troubleshooting skills.
• Experiments configurable through patch board.
• Enhanced electrical safety considerations.
• Caster wheel (with locking mechanism) at the legs of Workbench for easy movement.
• MCB provided with AC supply for safety purpose.

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