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IoT enabled system for Livestock Monitoring

Scientech 6205LM

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With the increase in world’s population, crop and livestock management are one of the greatest concerns of the
farmers. Development is sensor technology and Internet of Things (IoT) can make it possible for farmers to
remotely monitor their livestock efficiently. Livestock Monitoring System is the perfect solution for these farmers. It consists of various IoT sensing and tracking devices like PIR, GPS, Bluetooth and RFID. These tracking devices can be mounted on the body of livestock and provide the farmer with important information like animal Identification, monitoring live births by detection of new offspring in the system, GPS location tracking to monitor herd, etc. By collecting various data and storing it in a database, analysis of all the parameters in real time becomes easier. Scientech 6205 LM provides comprehensive understanding of the actual Livestock Monitoring System by allowing users to test and explore interfacing of various sensors.


• Platform to learn, explore, and develop IoT skills.
• Arduino software compatible hardware.
• GPS Module along with antenna for tracking
the real time location of the livestock.
• Bluetooth Tag with voice recording and anti-lost alarm.
• RFID Module and RFID Tags for identification of livestock.
• PIR sensor for detection of motion.
• Sensor gateway with color LCD display.
• Buzzer and input/output switch for testing.
• Wi-Fi connectivity and android app for field testing.
• Software to view sensor’s real time graph analysis on PC and mobile.
• 10 din sockets for sensors and actuators interface.
• On board charging and protection circuit for battery.
• Signal test points and switch fault.
• Inbuilt voltmeter and ammeter.
• Compact tabletop ergonomic design.
• Ready experimental details.
• User friendly, self-explanatory system.

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