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HOBOlink Remote Monitoring Software

HOBOlink Remote Monitoring Software

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A powerful cloud IoT platform for RX and MX monitoring systems, HOBOlink lets you remotely manage your data, visualize trends, and stay informed with real-time alerts. By adding a HOBOlink data plan, you gain instant internet access to data from HOBO sensors, data loggers, and remote weather and monitoring stations – for a wide range of applications. With HOBOlink, you can make timely, informed decisions by accessing data from anywhere at any time, leveraging tools to connect to industry-leading software, scheduling reports, configuring calculated channels, and more.


  •  Receive an email or text/SMS message on your phone when conditions exceed set thresholds or if
  • something goes wrong with your system and needs attention
  • Easily configure sensors, logging rates, alarm notifications, relay actions, and more
  • Access your data with a web browser or mobile device
  • Set up and manage alarm notifications remotelyConfigure a dashboard that highlights your most important measurements
  • Configure calculated channels such as dew point, accumulated rainfall, and evapotranspiration (ET)
  • Easily configure data feeds to industry-leading software, such as NEWA (Network for Environment and Weather Applications)
  • Integrate Google Maps to quickly see all your HOBO devices, or get a view of the connection patterns for
    your HOBOnet system, and drill down on the details
  • Get instant visualization of your current and historical data in the HOBOlink dashboard, and customize to
    your specific needs with the dashboard builder and our library of widgets
  • Verify the status of your HOBO station remotely
  • Schedule automated delivery of data
  • Create dashboards that bring data from multiple systems together in a single view
  • Export the exact date range and sensors you want

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