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HOBO Green Roof Monitoring System


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The HOBO Green Roof Monitoring System is the ideal tool for measuring the performance of intensive and extensive green roofs. Offering reliable, research-grade performance, the web-based system enables users to monitor green roof conditions, measure stormwater runoff, improve irrigation scheduling, and maintain healthy rooftop vegetation.


Two S-RGB-M002 rain gauges
Two S-SMC-M005 soil moisture smart sensors
Two S-TMB-M002 soil temperature smart sensors
S-LIB-M-003 solar radiation smart sensor
M-LBB light sensor bracket
M-LLA light sensor level
S-THC-M002 air temperature/humidity sensor
RS3-B solar radiation shield
S-WSET-B wind speed and direction sensor set
M-CAA full cross arm
RX3004 remote monitoring system
SOLAR-5W solar panel

24/7 web-based access to your data
Includes all the common green roof measurements
Plug-and-play sensors enable fast, easy deployment
Customizable data display for kiosks
Provides trend logging, monitoring, and alarm notifications

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