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Modular Integrated Training System Microcontroller


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MCU products based on 8-bits is the basic training theme that is being used on education sites for a long time. However, when it is a product manufactured to fit into traditional training method, a cramming one, it is impossible to configure its capabilities in the way users want, This product is a micro embedded training system designed to support variety of MCUs and, based on that, realize independent modularity of each function for the purpose of quickly applying the multiform program lessons including the basic training and meeting user’s requirements to effectively apply the creativity engineering training recently emerging from universities and high schools to education.

Product Features

  • Devices of ATmega128, 89C51, PIC18F6722 designed to be modules of connector structure which are mountable and removable, allowing multiform microcontroller training.
  • CPLD module installed to perform the digital circuit design education at the same time. Provides a configuration that multiform connects MCU module and functional module.
  • Each functional module can be installed and removed so users can use application design type they want by utilizing functional modules separated from the base board user wants.
  • Provides the signal and power analysis modules that can improve the efficiency of MCU lesson and design.(interrupt, frequency analysis)
  • Provides the dedicated measurement point for easy analysis of MCU and application signals.
  • Provides multiform input switches and output display devices.
  • Multiform sensor modules are mountable.
  • Provides application modules for USN and sensor training.
  • Provides various experiment programs necessary for application experiment.
  • Supports multiform design environment ranging from the basic processor education level to the application design level.
  • Provides multiform option modules such as stack module and actuator module for maximizing use of the product.

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