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Handheld 3.3 GHz Color Spectrum Analyzer with TG


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With 5MHz to 3.3GHz tracking generator Applications Frequency characteristics measurement of electronic component/circuit and return loss measurement

The tracking generator is a signal source which generates the sine
wave synchronized with the sweep of the spectrum analyzer.
For example, the tracking generator outputs 1MHz sine wave when
the spectrum analyzer is at 1MHz sweep point. The 1GHz is output
at 1GHz sweep point as well. Therefore, the amplitude frequency
characteristics of various electronic components and circuits can
be observed on the screen without any troublesome operation.
Moreover, the VSWR bridge MVS300 (option) enables to measure
the return loss

■ Frequency response of filte

The input and the output of a filter are connected to TG OUT and RF IN
respectively. The frequency response of a filter is observed in the range of
5MHz to 3.3GHz.
The frequency response of the coaxial cable and MSA438TG is made flat by
using the NORMALIZING function

Gain characteristics of amplifier

The frequency response of an active circuit such as an amplifier besides a
passive circuit such as LC filter is measured. A measurement example of the
gain-frequency characteristics of an amplifier is shown in the figure below.
The level of TG OUT is -10dBm.

Return loss measurement

VSWR bridge MVS300 (option) connected to TG OUT and RF IN of
MSA438TG enables the return loss measurement. The measured frequency
range is from 5MHz to 3GHz.
Additionally, the calibration of the return loss 0dB is done by using the


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