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Computer Hardware and Networking Security WorkBench

Scientech 827DB

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Scientech 827DB Computer Hardware, Networking and Security WorkBench is a comprehensive setup provides the understanding of all the fundamentals of computer, Hardware, networking and its security. It helps the users to gain knowledge on all networking devices like Managed Layer 2 Ethernet Switch, Managed Layer 3 Ethernet Switch, Media Convertor, Power Over Ethernet Switch, UTP Jack Panel, Wi-Fi LAN card, IP Camera, Network Layers, cable designing a and building of complete network of computers.

This WorkBench includes software by which student can study Star, Bus & Ring selection, Protocols: CSMA /CD, CSMA /CA, Stop N Wait, Go back to N, Selective repeat, Sliding Window, Token Bus, Token Ring, Packet delay: 1000 – 5000 ms, Error generation: Acknowledgment lost, bad packet, Auto Error Generation, Complete analysis of Network & Protocols, Real time, Graphic representation of data on software screen with packet details, Network details like, Indication of computer name, IP address, MAC address, Port number, status of network, Network & protocol analysis like Indication of packet serial number, file name, file size, file number, receiver name, receiver IP address, total packets, packet length, time out, protocol, topology, receiver, MAC address, port number, file send start time, file sent completion time, transmission time data rate (Mbps),percentage error.


  • Heavy duty WorkBench
  • Peer to Peer network, Client – server network
  • Networking devices like Managed Layer 2 Ethernet Switch, Managed Layer 3 Ethernet Switch, Media Convertor, Power Over Ethernet Switch, UTP Jack Panel, Wi-Fi LAN card, IP Camera, Network Layers
  • Design of Star topology using 100Base-Tx, Design of Bus topology using 10Base-2,Design of Ring topology using DB9
  • Detailed introduction to TCP/IP model (4 Layer Model)
  • Socket programming and processing
    • Wireless LAN with 803.11b/g
  • Network monitoring
  • Various LAN Protocols
  • Error generation (manual and auto)
  • Color coded real time graphical representation of entire transmission & reception
  • Graphical Analysis of LAN performance with various parameters and protocols
  • Encryption/Decryption technique
  • User friendly software
  • UPS and Antivirus
  • Easy identification of different parts of computer
    • Enhanced electrical safety considerations
    • Caster wheel (with locking mechanism) at the legs of WorkBench for easy movement
    • MCB provided with AC supply for safety purpose
    • Licensed windows 10 Operating Software (64 bit)
    • Learning Software NetSys

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