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Automotive Test Scope


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Using a computer based oscilloscope was never easier than with the Automotive Test Scope ATS605004DW-XMS: simply switch it on and start the software on the computer:

  • no power cables required as it is battery powered and can operate hours on a fully charged battery
  • no interface cables required as it uses WiFi to connect to the computer

This allows you to measure fully floating, fully isolated from your computer. The Automotive Test Scope ATS605004DW-XMS can be placed near any test subject that may be hard to reach, or on moving objects, where wired connections are not possible.

Because the Automotive Test Scope ATS605004DW-XMS is not connected to the computer, there is no risk of damaging the computer.


  • Rugged industrial design
  • Safe measuring
  • SureConnect
  • Resistance measurement
  • Large memory
  • High accuracy

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