High-Resolution EMC and EMI diagnostics

High-Resolution EMC and EMI diagnostics

Product Description

3D Precision Technology used to assist high density board designers to use off the shelf hand-held probes and visualise the root causes of potential EMC and EMI problems during  pre/post EMC compliance testing.

EMC and signal integrity are major concerns in the design of ultra-high speed (>2 GHz) PCBs. While EMScanner allows designers to easily locate emission by placing the PCB on its flat surface, the EMProbe allows users to test the component side of the PCB and adjust the height of the scan.

This enables the design engineers to diagnose EMC/EMI problems, limited only by the choice of the Spectrum Analyser and the Near Field Probe, and allows them to visualize the root causes of potential EMC and EMI problems in/on/off a non-flat surface or the complete product.

Product Features

Capability : Spectral scan, spatial scan, peak-hold, continuous scanning, spectral and spatial comparison, scripting, limit lines and report generation.
Spatial scan time : Continuous real-time or sub-second single scan for entire scan area Dependent on spectrum analyser performance.
Spectral scan time : 45 seconds for L 10 cm x W 10 cm (L 4” x W 4”) PCB with a 100 MHz span and 100 kHz RBW. Scanning area, span and RBW are user selectable within spectrum analyser specifications
Supported spectrum analysers : Wide range of Keysight and Rohde & Schwarz Spectrum Analysers are supported
Supported operating systems : Windows 10®
Supported CAD overlays : Standard Gerber© RS274x format and HPGL format

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