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Accelerometer module for Embedded Platforms


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Nvis Accelerometer module MC18 is an extension module for Nvis Microcontroller development platforms. The module has been designed for students and practicing engineers to gain invaluable practical experience on the principle and applications of microcontroller & Accelerometer. The objective is to have a clear understanding of how accelerometer is interfaced and controlled with microcontroller. It has various terminals for connection to external real world applications. Accelerometer module will provide a basic understanding of the accelerometer fundamentals, gravity & freefall detection. Accelerometer Sensor can measure gravity of earth & dynamic acceleration in all three axis.

MC18, Accelerometer module for Embedded Platforms is an ideal platform to enhance education, training, skills & development amongs our young minds.


  • Analog output for X-Y-Z axis
  • Sleep mode: 3 μ A
  • Current consumption 1mA at +5V
  • Low Voltage Operation +5 V
  • High Sensitivity (800 mV/g @ 1.5g)
  • Selectable Sensitivity (�1.5g, �6g)
  • Zero gravity detect for freefall protection
  • Expansion connectors for plug in with Microcontroller unit and prototyping area

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