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Display and Switches Module


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Nvis Technologies Display and Switches module MC10 is an extension module for Nvis Microcontroller development platforms. The object is to have a clear understanding of how input peripherals are interfaced and controlled with Microcontroller. The object is to connect and program a Microcontroller to display data and for monitoring. Display and Switches module MC10 has input and output terminals for connection of external real world applications

MC10, Display and Switches Module is an ideal platform to enhance education, training, skills & development amongs our young minds.


  • 4 x 4 matrix keypad interface
  • Eight input sensing switch interface
  • 16 x 2 characters LCD interface
  • Seven segment display interface
  • PC based programming
  • Expansion connectors for plug in with Microcontroller unit and prototyping area
  • Every pin is marked in order to make the study easier
  • Exhaustive Learning Material

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