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Simtel – Interactive Technology Learning Software

Scientech is proud to present you  Simtel – A Simplified Interactive Technology Learning Software developed by it.

Simtel has many modules on different topics that you can use as your learning platform.

The Simtel software provides  friendly interactivity  so that you can easily engage, navigate, and understand complex topics with help of animations and interactive simulations in 2D and 3D.

One of the main advantages of graphical simulation is that Simtel one can grasp the concepts in a very short period of time and with the great clarity.

Simtel module adhere to the latest design technologies for students, teachers, and training institutes. FAQs and assignments will encourage them to test their problem solving skills.

Teachers can also use Simtel modules in their classroom. Graphical User Interface (GUI) makes their lecture more interactive, convincing and effective.

Simtel is available in online and offline versions.

Simtel – Python Software

Python is a rapidly growing programming language. It is very powerful and versatile. Python is used for machine learning, deep learning, data analysis, web development, developing games. and other things.

Simtel Python Software comes with a huge set of free libraries for machine learning, data science, etc. You can just install Simtel Python software and use them in your programming.

Over the years, Python is witnessing incredible growth and popularity among engineers. Looking at this growth, learning Python can help you to boost your career. Obviously, it will open lot of career opportunities.

For further detail, check the Simtel Python Software.


Simtel – Machine Learning Software

We all have heard about Machine Learning (ML). Everywhere, everyone is talking about it.

What does that actually mean?

Machine Learning is a very exciting branch of Artificial Intelligence. ML enables system to learn and to make the decision from the given data rather than through the explicit programming.

With Simtel Machine Learning course, you can develop the skills you need to build a career as a Machine Learning specialist.

Machine Learning is one of the emerging technologies that can open many doors and opportunities for betterment of your career.

Finding it interesting?

For further detail, check Simtel Machine Learning software.


Simtel – Deep Learning Software

Deep Learning is the specialized branch of Machine Learning. The objective of the Deep Learning is to mimic the behavior of human brain so that machine can think like a human such as recognizing the objects, translating speech from one language to another, etc.

Deep Learning is all about supervised, unsupervised or semi-supervised learning to learn from data representations.

Simtel Deep Learning software provides you the opportunity to learn and explore  deep learning. You can take challenges in various industries and solve them with the help of Deep Learning.

For further detail, check Simtel Deep Learning software.

Following are the different electrical and electronics based Simtel software modules. I will explain each of them with their main contents so that you can choose which suits best for your requirement.


Simtel 1 – Power Electronics Software

Simtel 1 consists of different electronics power and controlling tools to study and to analyze the fundamentals of power electronics engineering.

With this software you can learn and grasp the following topics.

  • Conductors.
  • Insulators.
  • Semiconductors.
  • Diode (PN junction diode).
  • Transistor PNP and NPN.
  • Power electronics devices.
  • Triggering and Commutation: Turn-On and Turn-Off method of a Thyristor, gate triggering method.
  • Gate firing circuits: General firing circuit, resistance firing circuit, resistance-capacitance firing circuit for half and full wave, UJT oscillator, synchronized UJT triggering (ramp triggering), ramp and pedestal triggering.
  • Phase Controlled Rectifier: Introduction, classification, uncontrolled rectifiers (half wave, full wave and bridge), firing circuits for controlled rectifiers (using triangular comparator, ramp comparator, cosine firing scheme, IC-TCA785), controlled rectifiers (single phase, half, full, semi-convertor and bridge rectifiers with R-load and RL-load), applications.
  • Chopper: Introduction, classification, DC chopper (introduction, step-down chopper, step-up chopper), AC chopper, applications.
  • Cycloconvertor: Introduction, cyclo convertor firing scheme, single phase cyclo convertor, applications.
  • AC voltage controller: Introduction, classification, AC voltage controller, half and full wave with R-load and RL-load, applications.

Simtel 1 is widely used for theoretical as well as practical teaching purpose such as designing circuit diagrams, explaining in virtual mode through high quality simulation and flash animation. Students can explore fundamentals as well as advanced technologies related to power electronics.


Simtel 6 – Embedded System Software

It provides study of theoretical content and practical concepts of embedded systems.

Simtel Embedded System is based on the Atmel8051 series microcontroller and PIC controllers. It has covered both the basics and  advanced concepts.

  • Basics: Definition, characteristics, architecture, applications, and categories: Stand alone embedded system, real-time embedded system, network information appliances, mobile devices; digital primer and components: numbering and coding system, digital gates, basic components-transistor, diode, resistance, capacitance, seven segment display, power supply.
  • 8051 Microcontroller: Microcontroller, architecture, features, 8051 pin out and details, registers and SFR, memory map, instruction set, addressing mode, timer and counters, interrupts, serial communication.
  • 8051 peripheral interfacing: Switch interface, seven segment display interface, LED interface, LCD interface, switch and LED interface, relay interfacing, temperature sensor interfacing, DC motor interfacing, stepper motor interfacing, servo motor interfacing.
  • AVR microcontroller: AVR, AVR family, AVR microcontroller and its pin description, examples, RISC, AVR memory map, AVR instruction set, comparison between microcontrollers.
  • PIC microcontroller: PIC and family, PIC 16F877A fundamentals and pin-out details, memory map, timer, instruction set, ADC, CCP, MSSP.

Students can visualize every step with animation that helps to understand the program easily.


Simtel 7 – Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Software

Simtel DSP module is a unique software to perform  wide variety of signal processing operations.

Simtel DSP is a digital learning software that explains signal analysis, fast fourier transforms, discrete fourier transforms, convolution, image compression, z-transformation, image processing, filter designing, FIR filtering, IIR filtering, etc.

DSP is a subject to study the digital signal in four main domains like time domain, frequency domain, spatial domain and wavelet domain.

Simtel DSP works on real time to understand the DSP algorithms with the help of graphical based programs.

It provides better visualization of signals and their applications with the help of simulation. Basically, it transforms all the mathematical details into lucid graphical explanation of the different topics.

Interactive simulations are provided for complex principles and theorems where the user can experiment by providing different choices of signal and system.

To summarize, Simtel DSP module has features to explain following topics.

  • Signals: signals, math operations, system, sampling, quantization, reconstruction.
  • Filter: convolution, correlation, FIR, IIR.
  • Transformation: fourier series, fourier transforms, DFT, FFT, Z-transform.
  • Processors: embedded system, DSP processor, TMS 320C6713, analog processor.
  • Applications: image processing, JPEG image compression, telephony, medical.

Simtel 8 – Analog Electronics Software

Analog Electronics is a fundamental topic of electronics engineering.

This software comes with simulations, animations, along with theory to understand many concepts of analog electronics such as-

  • Basic electrical concepts.
  • Basic circuits.
  • Fundamentals of resistor, capacitor, and inductor.
  • Semiconductors and diodes.
  • Transistor and basic transistor circuits.
  • Operational Amplifiers (OpAmps): Characteristics and specifications.
  • Practical Op-Amp circuits.
  • Power supplies and rectifiers.


Simtel 9 – Digital Electronics Software

Digital Electronics is a field of electronics engineering that involves the study of digital signal. The digital signal is based on binary number system (expressed in 0’s and 1’s).

Most of the electronics technologies have become more advanced with the help of the Digital Electronics.

Simtel Digital Electronics is one of the best software that helps you gets a  command on advanced digital electronics technologies.

It explicitly constructs electronics circuit and represents graphical simulation or animation on boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational logics and sequential circuits. This software explains the following topics.

  • Digital number System.
  • Boolean algebra and logic circuits.
  • Digital logic gates.
  • Simplification of boolean functions.
  • Digital combinational logic.
  • Combinational arithmetic circuits.
  • Sequential circuits.
  • Digital logic families.

One of the advantages I observed is that it gives solutions on practical constraints of digital circuits. That makes it different from many other softwares in the market.


Simtel 10 – Analog Communication Software

In any electronics communication system, analog communication plays a vital role to carry electrical impulses and electromagnetic waves in the form of analog signal. Analog signals continuously vary with time.

For study of fundamentals of analog communication system, Simtel Analog Communication module is a very useful  interactive software tool. This software helps to explain the all fundamental concepts of analog communication and to perform analysis of modulated analog signals.

Simtel communication software has following features.

  • Fourier analysis.
  • Amplitude Modulation: Standard Amplitude Modulation, DSBSC Modulation, SSB Modulation.
  • Frequency Division Multiplexing.
  • Frequency Modulation: Direct Modulation, Indirect Modulation.
  • Pulse Modulation: Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, Pulse Position Modulation.
  • Phase Locked Loop.
  • Super Heterodyne Receiver.

Simtel 11 – Digital Communication Simulation Software

Simtel Digital Communication Simulation Software is a set of web applications that help to exchange data and incorporate operations in real time.

It has user friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) and navigation system.

The Simtel simulation software operates with the different functions of digital electronics system.

  • Basics (signal source, pulse and data generator, delay).
  • Math operation (Adder, Subtractor, Multiplier).
  • Line Encoding and Decoding (Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar, Manchester).
  • PCM and DPCM Transmitter and Receiver.
  • A-Law and MU-Law Companding.
  • 2-Channel TDM-PCM Multiplexer, Randomizer and De randomizer, Convolution Encoding.
  • Modulator and Demodulator (Delta, Adaptive Delta, First Order Delta, Second Order Delta, PPM, PWM).
  • Block Interleaver and De interleaver.
  • Source code encoding (Huffman, Lampel Ziv, Hamming, Run Length).
  • Baseband Modulation Techniques (BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, 8PSK, 8QAM).
  • Baseband Modulation Techniques with Noise and BER Measurement (BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, 8PSK, 8QAM).
  • Band pass Modulation Techniques (ASK, 2-ASK, FSK, 2-FSK, BPSK, DBPSK, QPSK, DQPSK, OQPSK, 8-PSK, 8-QAM, 16-QAM).
  • Band pass Modulation Techniques with Noise and BER Measurement (ASK, FSK, BPSK, DBPSK).
  • Signal processing in communications (Signals, Filter, Transformation, Processors, Applications).
  • CDMA-DSSS Transmitter and Receiver.
  • OFDM Transmitter and Receiver.
  • BER concept.

This software is available with  different virtual  electronics instruments such that Digital Storage Oscilloscope, Mixed Signal Oscilloscope, FFT Analyzer, Eye Pattern Analyzer, and BER Measurement Window.


Simtel 12 – Fiber Optics Communication Software

Fiber optics communication is a process to transfer information from one place to other  using  optical fiber. Optical fiber  carries electrical pulse of light with high speed.

To understand  fiber optics communication processes, Simtel Fiber Optics Communication software is very useful.

It illustrates the concepts of the fiber optics with the help of the interactive simulations and animations.

Simtel Fiber Optics Communication software covers the following topics,

  • Basic laws of fiber optics.
  • Types of fibers: Single Mode, Multi-Mode, Step Index, Graded Index.
  • Attenuation and losses.
  • Rayleigh scattering.
  • Dispersion: material dispersion, modal dispersion.
  • Optical Sources: LED and LASER.
  • Wavelength Division Multiplexing.
  • Components of fiber optics.

Fiber Optic Communication Components: cables, connectors, etc.


Simtel 13 – Wireless Communication Software

In our daily life, wireless communication has become one of the fastest growing technologies.

The main function of wireless technology is to transmit the information from sender to receiver, without using any connection (like wires, cables or any other physical medium).

Simtel wireless communication module assists the learners  to understand the concepts of  wireless communication very clearly and comfortably.

This product has different topics such as:

  • Cellular Fundamentals: Fundamentals, Frequency Reuse, Architecture, Interference, Path Environment, Coverage and Capacity.
  • GSM Network: History, GSM Family, Network, Subsystem entities, Logical Channel, Multiplexing scheme, GSM Management, Call Management, Call Setup, call release, Handover, GSM Security.
  • CDMA: Multiple Access Techniques, CDMA Transmitter, Working, Spread Spectrum, DSSS, Frequency Hoping, Pseudo Random Code, Power Control, Handoff Process, Rake Receiver, Capacity of CDMA.

Simtel 16 –  RF, Microwave and Radar Simulation Software

In recent years, the rapid progress in RF and Microwave electronics has created an increasing demand for virtual training platform which can provide a high degree of simulation with great visualization.

To fulfill this demand, Scientech has designed Simtel RF and Microwave Simulation Software.

Simtel RF and Microwave Simulation software is very user friendly.

This software helps to understand complex concepts  virtually through high quality animations.

This Simtel platform includes simple mathematics where needed to analyze the records. Wave effects such as field patterns, higher order modes excitation (which are less intensively discussed in books), are exhaustively classified, analyzed and visualized.

It provides field patterns of various modes inside waveguide and resonator cavities including behavior of terminated coaxial line, smith chart applications, etc.

For the first time, a new way of interacting with the MICs has been introduced. A variety of Microwave devices and components have also been deeply covered.

Simtel RF and Microwave Simulation Software has advanced features like,

  • 3D animated field patterns (TE/TM ) of Waveguides and Cavities.
  • Time or Frequency domain behavior of terminated Coaxial line.
  • Impedance measurement and Impedance matching using Smith chart.
  • Characteristics Impedance and reflection coefficient of Transmission line.
  • 3D animated field patterns and characteristics Impedance of Planar transmission line.
  • 3D animated field patterns of Microstrip components.
  • Microwave circuit analysis of Amplifiers and Frequency doublers.
  • Study of Microwave semiconductor devices, Microwave tubes and Microwave measuring instruments.
Simtel-16-RF-Microwave and Radar

Simtel 17 – Broadband Communication Software, NetSys

Broadband communications is a rapidly adopted technology for  broadband transmission systems. It delivers multi directional data transmission from  one system to other.

Simtel NetSys provides a virtual environment to implement various LAN (Local Area Network) configurations.

We can simulate our LAN to best possible combination which will give best results, before actual implementation.

This tool is packed with the good amount of concepts for ease in understanding of,

  • Networking: History, Components(NIC, Repeater, HUB, Bridge, Switch, Router, BRouter, MSAU), Topologies(Bus, Rig, Star, Mesh, Tree), Network Types(LAN, MAN, WAN), VLAN, Internet.
  • Networking Models: OSI Model, TCP/IP Model, IEEE Standards, Protocols.
  • Switching: Circuit Switching, Packet Switching, Message Switching, PSTN, ISDN, DSL.
  • Ethernet : Introduction, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit.
  • Network Security: Introduction, VPN, Firewall.
  • Algorithms: Dijkstra’s Algorithm, Bellman Ford Algorithm.
  • Network Design Lab: Bus, Hub, Switch.

 Simtel 21 – Basic Electrical and Electronics Software

In  electrical and electronics engineering, basic electrical and electronics are the fundamental subjects to study the role of electricity.

Simtel provides a  platform to assist the user to learn basic electrical and electronics concepts and applications of electronics clearly. It  also includes the study of different electronic equipment’s and measuring instruments.

It  covers  analog and digital electronics, circuit analysis, network analysis, electromagnetism and electronic instruments. Many basic topics are also covered such as-

Atoms, Charge, Introduction to Electricity, DC and AC sources of Electricity, Electronic Components,

  • Series and Parallel Circuits.
  • Voltage Divider and Current Divider Circuits.
  • Circuit Analysis: Ohm`s Law, Kirchhoff’s Law, Loop and Mesh Analysis, Star and Delta Network
  • Network Theorems: Thevenin’s, Norton`s, Superposition, Maximum Power Transfer, Millman`s, Reciprocity.
  •  Magnetism.
  •  Electromagnetism.
  • Alternating Current Circuit.
  • Transformer.
  •  Rectifier
  •  Filter.
  • Three Phase Circuit.
  • Electrical Machines: DC and AC Machines
  • Semiconductor devices: Diode, BJT, FET, Operational Amplifier, Power Amplifier, Thyristor family.
  • Measuring Instruments: Oscilloscope, Multi meter.
  • Digital Electronics.
  • Number Systems.
  • Codes.
  • Complements.
  • Boolean Algebra.
  • Logic Gates.
  • Arithmetic Circuits: Adder, Subtractor.
  • Combinational Circuits: Multiplexer, DE-multiplexer, Encoder, Decoder.
  • Sequential Circuits (Flip-Flops): S-R Flip-Flop, D Flip-Flop, J-K Flip-Flop, T Flip-Flop.
  • Registers and Counters.

Simtel Basic Electrical and Electronics software is useful for anyone who has an interest in the intriguing fields of electricity and electronics, including a professor, engineer, electrician, technician or a general student.

If you want to learn Electrical and Electronics concepts with a practical guide, this is the  software that  you need.


Simtel 22 – Engineering Drawing Software

Engineering drawing is part of the technical drawing that conveys the constructive information about the objects or equipment’s in electrical circuits.

Simtel Engineering Drawing covers all the essential topics on engineering drawing. It is accommodated with three dimensional animations which help students to visualize the objects in any possible positions.

Simtel Engineering Drawing has following advanced features.

  •  Scales
  • Conic sections.
  • Cycloid curves.
  • Methods of projection.
  • Projections of points.
  • Projections of straight lines.
  • Projections of planes.
  • Projections of solids.
  • Sections of solids.
  • Development of surfaces.
  • Intersection of surfaces.

With the help of Simtel Engineering Drawing software, learners can draw in correct sequences with neat and clean sketches. This tool also assists user with the steps to draw with detailed explanation.

This software is primarily build as teaching and training tools. It adds value for students and teachers both.


Simtel 23 – Robotics Software

Robotics is branch of  electronics  that performs certain tasks or commands given by  human being. Robotics technology is widely used in industrial as well as commercial environments for various automations.

Basically, Robotics is the engineering branch that deals with designing, construction, operation and application of robots and computer systems for their control, sensory feedback and information processing.

With the help of Simtel Robotics module, learners can study fundamentals and applications of sensors, brain, actuator, electronic components, display devices and Robot kinematics.

Here are some of the important topics covered in Simtel Robotics software.

  • Robotics and Robots: Introduction to Robotics, types of Robots.
  • Robot mechanical design: Joints and links, Degrees of greedom, Forward and Inverse Kinematics.
  • Electronics components: Basic concepts, Basic components, breadboard, types of batteries, types of switches, power sources, regulator IC, Operational  Amplifier, 555 Timer, Motor driver’s IC, logic gates IC, ADC.
  • Sensor: Introduction to sensors, light detecting sensor, temperature sensor, gas sensor, ultrasonic sensor, motion sensor.
  • Brain of Robot: 8051 Microcontroller, AVR Microcontroller, PIC Microcontroller, Arduino.
  • Actuators: DC motor, Stepper motor, Servo motor.
  • Display devices: LED, seven segment display, LCD.
  • Measuring Instruments: Multi meter, Oscilloscope.
  • Autonomous Robots.
  • Application of Robots: Industrial applications, Non-Industrial applications.

Looking at all such topics, if you want to learn Robotics practically, Simtel Robotics software is a good choice.


Simtel provides complete assistance throughout your journey to strengthen your fundamentals. Hope you find this complete guide  about Simtel softwares useful.  If you have any questions or need help, our industry experts are always there to assist you. Feel free to reach out to us on .

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